Getting started with open ai via node js

Getting started with open ai via node js

Ever wondered to unleash the power of ai using using node?

You are at the right point!!!

Here are the steps

  1. Install open ai package in your node project (make sure your node version is >= 18). Use this commmand npm install openai

  2. Go to open ai's platform and get your secret key []

  3. Install express and configure open ai in you project

Here is the code

That's it here you just created first chat bot that writes Haikus (3 line poem) about cats. You will always be getting random responses.

What to do next ?

Play around with your model by using different prompts

Try changing the role of system such as make it behave like a expert python, js or any programming language expert or make it behave like a kindergarten teacher

Explore vision and other models of open ai you can lookup to the documentation by following this link
